The Honda® Metropolitan® is one of the most popular Honda scooters on the market, and for good reason. These models are famously reliable, and they require minimal maintenance to stay in top condition. That said, you can prolong the life of your Honda Metropolitan by performing the occasional tune-up. This is a quick and easy process, and the following guide from Honda Parts Direct can help you get started.
If you need any replacement parts for your Honda Metropolitan, Honda Parts Direct has you covered. We ship Honda parts and accessories to customers all over the world from our home base in Palestine, TX.
1. Check the Battery
To inspect your scooter’s battery, you must first remove the battery cover from the footwell. The well is located under the rubber mat and held in place with a bolt or screw. Once you have opened the battery cover, you can disconnect and remove the battery, then look for any leaks or corrosion on the post. Use a wire brush to clean the battery if necessary. If any liquid is present, you will need to replace the battery.
When you are finished with this step, you can return the battery to its compartment, but leave it disconnected for now as you proceed with your inspection.
2. Remove the Rear Side Fenders
The rear side fenders are bolted or screwed to the frame of your Honda Metropolitan. When you have these removed, you can see the drivetrain on the left side and the carburetor on the right.
3. Inspect the Drivetrain
With the drivetrain exposed, you can examine the drivetrain casing. If you find any cracks, you will need to drop everything and head to a mechanic. If there are no cracks in the casing, you can move on to the next step.
4. Drain the Gear Oil
The gear oil drain plug is located on the underside of the drivetrain. To drain the gear oil, first place a drain pan under the plug to catch the oil, then remove the plug using a socket wrench. Drain all the gear oil, then replace the plug. Now locate the fill plug on the top of the drivetrain and add the recommended amount of gear oil, as specified in your owner’s manual.
5. Replace the Air Filter
Remove the air cover filter, and discard the old air filter. Spray carburetor cleaner inside the carburetor through the air filter assembly, then look inside the carburetor. If you see excessive carbon deposits, take your scooter to a mechanic to have the carburetor dismantled and cleaned. If the carburetor looks clean, you can go ahead with installing a fresh air filter. Replace the filter cover when you are finished.
6. Remove the Spark Plug
There’s only one spark plug in a Honda Metropolitan, located on the left side of the engine. Spray the tip of the spark plug with carburetor cleaner, gently clean the tip using a wire brush, then reconnect the plug. The spark plug will need to be replaced annually, or every 500 miles.
7. Drain the Engine Oil
The engine oil drain plug is typically located on the center bottom of a Honda Metropolitan engine, which is easier to access from the left side. Place your drain pan underneath it, then remove the plug and allow the oil to drain completely. Replace the drain plug, then open the fill plug on the left top side of the engine to refill with fresh oil. Replace the fill plug when you are finished.
8. Adjust the Carburetor
Reconnect the battery cables, then fire up your scooter’s engine and keep it in neutral while you adjust the carburetor using a flathead screwdriver. Turn the screwdriver until the engine starts to sputter, then back out until the engine runs smoothly. Now you can shut off the engine and replace the side covers. Your Honda Metropolitan tune-up is complete!
You can find everything you need to repair your Honda Metropolitan scooter at Honda Parts Direct. We deal in original Honda parts and accessories, and we ship to customers worldwide. We also offer free pick-up to our neighbors across the region of Dallas and Houston, TX.